Systems Execution

Our Systems and their Execution methods

  • Design Check, the contractual drawings are counter checked, evaluated by our professional engineers to confim & accept the responsibility of the proposed work.
  • Shop drawings prepared by our engineering Team for securing the approvals of consultant / client.
  • Material Submittal the proposed material to be used is submitted for the approval of consultant / client.
  • Execution of the work as per to the approved shop drawings using the approved material & keeping in mind the quality factors & delivery schedule.
  • RFI Submitting request for inspection to the consultant / client at each phase of the work as per to the contract.
  • Future Maintenance While executing the job, the Future Maintenance Factors are given the priorities for easy maintenance & safety of equipments.
  • As-built Drawings Submission of as-built drawings as per to the contract.
  • O&M Manuals After the execution, the Site Personnel is provided a set of Operations & Maintenance Manuals.
  • Testing & Commissioning After the execution, Testing & Commissioning of the System is done in the presence of Client / Consultant.
  • Handing-Over After completion of all the procedures the Hand-over / Take-over documents are being signed by both parties.
  • Guarantees The installed systems are counter guaranteed as per to the System Manufacturers.
  • Warrantee Period After Handing-over the system to the site personnel, the full Technical Support is provided during the warrantee period, specified in the contract.
Systems Integration: Civil / Mechanical / Electrical / Communication